Cams online make easy process to get mutual fund statement

Are you still run behind your mutual fund agent to get online updates about mutual funds? Or you are again logging on to the individual mutual fund website, entering your folio number, and getting the statement.

My husband Dilip had been following his advisor for the mutual fund statement for the past one week. The advisor was constantly delaying it without any reason. The husband wanted to submit this statement for the deduction of tax under section 80C (ELSS). Does my husband have an option to get a mutual fund statement online?

It is not just one issue.

What if you have missed the contact number of your mutual fund agent? Where will you get your statement about mutual funds? What if you want to get your statement of capital gains in the long/short term? Is there any way to get a consolidated statement of mutual funds online if you have invested directly in mutual funds?

Now you can get your statements of online mutual funds by sitting in a comfortable chair at home or your workplace. You have to update some necessary details on the portal, and you will get your statement by e-mail almost immediately.

Your mutual fund status can be accessed online through the CAMS portal.

Role of CAMS online for Mutual Fund Status

CAMS online are registrars and transfer agents (R&T agents). R&T agents maintain mutual fund status records on behalf of mutual fund houses through offices across the country.

Status of mutual funds through CAMS online – following steps

  • Log on to
  • Go to investor services (at the top)
  • Then click on Mailback Services 

Mailback Services

The feature is only one click away! CAMS Online provides a wide range of tools to handle your mutual funds and other investments. Now you can compile all your holdings into one CAMS-serviced fund in one report and make them accessible to you via e-mail. 

Consolidated Account Statement-CAMS + CARVI + FTAMIL + SBFS is the statement that you can review once or twice a month, which is the most commonly used statement. The rest of the statements, you will require at the year-end for tax deduction under Section 80C (ELSS). 

Mutual Funds Statement Online – Required Fields

  • Your e-mail id (e-mail id must be registered in mutual fund form)
  • Your PAN Card Number (optional)
  • Select the duration (since inception, last one year or previous two years)
  • Enter password
  • Enter password again

At your registered e-mail address, you will receive a consolidated account statement in a PDF format that is password protected. 

What if my e-mail ID is not registered, or I want my e-mail ID to change?

In this case, a form given on the CAMS online website will have to be filled and submitted to any CAMS office.

For change requests go -> service request form-> non-financial transaction form.

If you are still having trouble getting mutual fund statements online, please feel free to ask some questions.