5 Tips Better to Face the Winter
How to prevent frost on your windshield, de-ice a frozen lock, and more.
Does your frosted windshield ruin your morning?
Nobody likes to scratch the ice, especially when you’re in a hurry! Save yourself worry by rubbing on your windshield a half-raw onion the day before a big frost. As bizarre as it may seem, it will prevent frost from forming on the windows.
Your wipers are caught in the ice?
Dip a cloth in pure friction alcohol and clean each blade. The alcohol will prevent the blades from sticking to the glass and they will work even on the coldest days.
Your lock is completely frosted?
There are a few things you can do to unlock a lock quickly. A tip: heat your key with a lighter or a match, then, when it is hot, gently insert it into the lock to melt the ice. Another option is to introduce a drinking straw into the lock and blow directly into it. The heat of your breath should melt the ice in no time.
Does your fogged windshield prevent you from seeing?
The cold months are often synonymous with windshields and fogged windows that hinder your vision, which is dangerous when you hit the road. To quickly clean the fog without leaving horrible traces, keep in your car a table brush. You can also open the windows and allow cold air to enter the cabin, which should quickly defog the waterproof car cover.
Your mirrors are covered with ice?
To prevent ice from forming on your mirrors, cover them overnight with plastic bags that you will attach with tape or clothespins. When you remove the bag in the morning, the mirrors will be free of ice.
26 tips to extend the life of your car
We have compiled our best expert advice, surprising tips and maintenance tips to make your car last longer.
Be patient during the break-in
You bought the car of your dreams and you want it to stay in perfect shape as long as possible. Here are some tips to remember as soon as you leave the dealer: During the break-in period, usually the first 1,600 kilometers, do not exceed 90 km / h or the speed recommended by your car manufacturer. Do not leave your new car idling for long periods. In fact, it is better not to do it at all times, especially during break-in. It is possible that the oil is not enough under pressure to be distributed in all parts of the engine. Make only light or medium acceleration to keep your engine speed under 3000 rpm. during the first hours of driving.
Drive carefully every day
Do not roar the engine at start-up. This is the fastest way to accelerate the wear of your engine, especially in cold weather. Accelerate slowly when you start. It is during the first 10 to 20 minutes of operation that the engine and driveline undergo the greatest wear. Reheating the engine by letting it idle is not a good idea. Since the engine does not operate at its optimum temperature, fuel combustion is not complete, resulting in soot deposits on the cylinder walls, which contaminate the oil and eventually damage some components. Reduce the demand on the engine and automatic transmission by shifting to neutral at traffic lights. Without this, the engine is still working to move the car forward, even if it is stopped.
Avoid driving at high speed and accelerating quickly, especially when it is very hot or very cold outside. This bad driving habit will earn you more frequent repairs. Extend the life of your tires by driving safely. Observe the posted speed limits. Avoid quick starts, stops, and turns. Avoid potholes and objects lying on the road. When maneuvering, do not turn the steering wheel all the way to the right or left for more than a few seconds. This could damage the power steering pump. Group your short trips by car. Most of the wear, as well as the pollution generated by your car, occurs during the first minutes of driving. Try to do all your shopping at a time, during low traffic hours if possible, and your engine will thank you for longer.
Do not refuel if you see the tanker
If you see a tanker delivering gas to your local service station, come back another day or look for another station. Once in your gasoline, these sediments can clog filters and fuel injectors, which can affect performance and require repairs.
Go easy when you’re bogged down
If it does not move, do not insist. Throwing your car back and forth repeatedly, while rotating the tires at high speeds, can generate a lot of heat and cause transmission, clutch and differential problems. In the long run, it may be cheaper to call the tow truck than risking high repair costs. It is always a good idea to have a traction aid in the trunk, such as sand, gravel, cat litter or metal claws.
Lighten your keyring
Does your car key share your keychain with a dozen other keys? If it’s yes, know that you’re putting a big load on the car key when it’s in the starter. To extend the life of your starter system, purchase a lightweight keychain that will allow you to separate your ignition key from others. Drive with only the ignition key in the ignition. If your ignition key “sticks” when you try to start, this is a sign that your ignition system is about to give up. Replace it before you get stuck.