Precautions to Prevent DVT/PE While Travelling Before and After Orthopaedic Surgery

Orthopaedic Implant used in surgeries give a new life to your bones and help the machine of the body, work properly. A series of precautions come together to ensure the accurate results of the surgery. Most important precautions are necessary to take if you are traveling. Traveling before and after the surgery, brings the threat of DVT which is Deep Vein Thrombosis and PE that is Pulmonary Embolism.

What is DVT/PE?

DVT – Deep Vein Thrombosis is a complicated situation in which the blood clots in the veins of the legs. It happens due to long sitting hours or immobility.

PE – Pulmonary Embolism is the blood clot within the lungs. This usually travels from the veins in the legs via the bloodstream.

Threat Increases during Travel

When you travel especially for and more than 4 hours, through plane, car, bus or train, the threat of DVT and PE increases. This can also happen when you take multiple flights or change the mode of transportation multiple times in a short period. The risk remains at a higher level after a maximum of four weeks of travel.

The other factors that increase the risk of DVT

  • A blood clot in legs or lungs previously
  • Recent surgery or physical injury
  • Age (>60)
  • Immobility or reduced movement
  • Cancer
  • Thrombophilic disorder i.e. pre-disposition to blood clots
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy

Before Surgery Travel Precautions

  • Move around as much as possible. For instance – while waiting for the flight, take a slow walk in the airport premises. Do not strain and walk only up to the limit that is bearable.
  • Do not cross your legs. It increases the blood clot or risk of DVT, which in turn can provoke PE Symptoms.
  • Never wear tight clothes that restrict blood flow.
  • Avoid alcohol during travel and stay hydrated.
  • Stretch your legs and feet while sitting
  • Exercise the thigh muscles with flat feet on the floor and then slide the feet forwards and then backward. Repeat it at least 10 times.
  • Choose the mode of transport according to your comfort, even if that includes paying a little high. It is about your life and the long-term effect of the situations around you. However, to be more practical, with the increasing culture of medical tourism, a range of loans is also available and you can consider it to fill the financial gaps. The treatment brings many expenses together and causes the need for money. The borrowed money can be used for many other purposes.

After Surgery Travel Precautions

You need to be more cautious after the surgery and should follow the safety measures with the utmost care. Leave no space for carelessness and follow all the dos and don’ts properly.

  • If you have gone through minor surgery, wait at least 24 hours after the surgery
  • In case of big surgery like upper limb surgery, wait for at least 7 days.
  • In case of knee or hip joint replacement, the risk is higher and it is advised to avoid traveling until you complete three months after the surgery.
  • While traveling do anti-DVT exercises.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Consider flight socks.
  • Never take sleeping pills.
  • Your height also matters.
  • Some blood thinners can also be taken to avoid clot. This should be done only after the permission and guidance of the Doctor.
  • Wear compression stockings. These are specially designed to increase blood circulation.

The above precautions are vital and you should not miss any one of them. When your life and well-being is the prime subject of the circumstances, no compromise should be allowed to exist. Stay cautious and take good care of yourself. DVT/PE can cause serious issues, prevent it as much as possible. You know what, family and friends are always there, but at the end of the day, your body is the closest relative to you. Your health is not a credit which you can borrow from others when required. It is an asset that may depreciate and you need to be very careful to prevent it from any possible complication.

Description – DVT/PE is a threat for orthopaedic patients. Some precautions are necessary to follow before and after the orthopaedic surgery. Follow them word by word but with the proper guidance by the doctor and the desired result of the treatment is sure to come.