The shoulder pain, weakness, or stiffness could be a result of an injury or arthritis, but one is likely to deal with it. With shoulder replacement surgery, one can ease their pain and improve the functioning of their shoulders. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, more than 53,000 replacement surgeries have been performed in the United States every year. The procedure can treat everything from fractures and rotator cuff injuries to joint diseases as well as arthritis.
To provide readers with a deep understanding of shoulder replacement surgery, we have created this post. The insights have been gathered from the orthopedic doctors at Simpain Ortho, who are renowned for offering the best Shoulder Replacement in Delhi. Keep reading for detailed insights.
Shoulder Replacement Surgery: What Does it Mean?
A shoulder replacement surgery involves either removing or replacing the damaged parts of the shoulders with artificial implants. They are either made out of plastic or metal or sometimes both. These implants are held in place with the help of a special cement, and if they allow new bone growth, the cement is not needed permanently. A shoulder replacement surgery is less common than a knee or hip replacement surgery. However, it can effectively relieve shoulder joint pain.
Why is Shoulder Replacement Surgery Needed?
Shoulder replacement surgery is often recommended if other non-surgical treatments like medication or lifestyle changes have not shown results in relieving pain. One can experience shoulder pain for a range of reasons, such as:
- Age-related wear
- Tear shoulder arthritis
- Injury-related arthritis
- Shoulder fractures
- Failed shoulder replacement surgery, also called revision shoulder replacement.
If one is looking to get shoulder replacement surgery, one can schedule a consultation with the best orthopedic doctor in Delhi at Simpain Ortho.
What are the Common Types of Shoulder Replacement Surgery?
Following are the different types of shoulder replacement surgeries available:
- Partial Shoulder Replacement: Partial shoulder replacement, also called hemiarthroplasty or resurfacing, replaces the head or socket joint with a metal ball. Although the socket gets replaced, the surgeon might need to reshape the socket to accommodate the prosthetic ball.
- Anatomic Total Shoulder Replacement: This surgical procedure effectively replaces worn-out or diseased joint surfaces. In this procedure, the head or ball gets replaced with a metal ball, similar to partial shoulder replacement. Additionally, the socket is also replaced with a synthetic plastic component.
- Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement: Just in the case of anatomic total shoulder replacement, both the joint surfaces get replaced. In a reverse replacement, on the other hand, the ball and socket are “reversed.” Compared to an anatomic shoulder, this configuration is far more stable and does not require the rotator cuff for stability. The rotator cuff does not control arm movement; rather, the deltoid muscle does. A reverse shoulder replacement could be used if one has:
- A fully torn or dysfunctional rotator cuff
- Arthritis and rotator cuff tearing
- Significant loss of bone on the side of the socket
- A previous shoulder replacement surgery has not worked properly.
The orthopedic surgeon will work with the patient and determine the most appropriate treatment option.
How is Shoulder Replacement Surgery Performed?
During a shoulder replacement, the ball or head of the joint is replaced with a metal ball. Titanium is considered one of the main choices, as it is capable of a process known as osseointegration. This results in a stable matrix, which is capable of supporting the surrounding muscles.
The glenoid cavity of the shoulder socket gets replaced with a smooth cup-like structure which is made of a durable type of surgical grade plastic. In some cases, only the humeral ball of the socket will get replaced. This procedure is termed hemi replacement or partial shoulder replacement. It is more common in cases of trauma to the upper arms, which have been affected by a severe sports injury.
How to Prepare for Shoulder Replacement Surgery?
The orthopedic surgeon will decide which sedation will be administered to the patient. The surgeon will also explain other preparation measures, such as which foods and drinks to abstain from for 12 hours before the procedure.
- When the patient gets comfortable, the surgeon will separate the deltoid and pectoral muscles in order to gain access to the shoulder.
- They will then open the shoulder joints by cutting one of the front muscles in the rotator cuff.
- At this point, the affected bone tissues and the cartilage also get removed.
- After this, the orthopedic surgeon will use an artificial implant socket and other important components that will be inserted.
- The rotator cuff muscle then gets closed, and the affected soft tissues get stitched. The skin gets cleaned, and the wound is covered.
How Long Does it Take to Recover After a Shoulder Replacement Surgery?
While the patient’s general health, age, etc., are all important factors, most of the patients recover from a shoulder replacement surgery in about 8-19 weeks. However, it may take a few months or maybe years for the patient to be fully capable of strenuous activities.
- The patient is likely to stay in the hospital for a few days after the surgery.
- X-rays would be taken to determine the shoulder implant’s position.
- Even a rehabilitation specialist would be assigned who will test the range of motion and will help the patient to begin with physical therapy.
Are There Any Limitations After a Shoulder Replacement Procedure?
- The shoulder will be withheld in a sling for a few weeks in the early rehabilitation phase. This will help in allowing the connective tissues and ligaments to heal properly.
- The physical therapist can help in determining when one can start using the sling less.
- After a month, the patient should have a full range of motion restored and would be able to indulge in light activities.
- After two months, they can have full use of the shoulder, and at that time, the physical therapist will advise some exercises to restore the natural strength and range of motion.
- Although some patients may experience some discomfort for up to six months, the majority of patients experience no pain for six months.
- It can take up to a year for patients with additional physical restrictions to stop experiencing pain and resume moderately intense exercise.
What is the Success Rate After a Shoulder Replacement Surgery?
After shoulder replacement surgery, 95% of patients report being pain-free and having a full range of motion after nine months to a year. The replacement joint ought to last for 15 to 20 years after full osseointegration and the rehabilitation process is complete.
Final Takeaway
Now that one knows what shoulder replacement surgery is, why it is needed, its procedure, success rate, etc., if one is interested in undergoing the procedure, one can visit Simpain Ortho today. The clinic uses the latest technologies and international quality US FDA-approved implants, and physiotherapy at home is also available for the patients. To know the Hip Replacement Surgery In Delhi, one can visit Simpain Ortho today. The advanced centre also provides insurance facilities to the patients.
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Jon Mike is a professional content writer and blogger. He has more than 5 years of writing and digital marketing experience in the field for health, SEO Content technology, and real estate etc. I can post content for better ranking in major search engine.