The Strongest Types of Glue

What sort of glue should you be using? Certain glues will only work on specific materials and surfaces, so your choice is crucial.


Various adhesives will bond more permanently than others. Whatever the job, though, whether you are repairing or creating, there is a definitive glue for the job.

All-Purpose Glue

For creative projects, white school glue is the best choice. It works on a variety of materials, including light fabrics, plastics, wood, and paper. For these materials, its adhesive properties are impressive. Polyurethane is one of its key components. Water-resistant when working with wood, it fills in any gaps and has a fast drying time.


So what is best to use for ceramics, glass or rubber? Superglue is the best option for these materials. It expands up to four times, creating a secure grip, so you only need a small amount. It instantly bonds but will not adhere until the two sides come into contact with it. Occasionally, superglue may come into contact with your skin. Simply apply a small amount of nail varnish remover – this ensures the superglue is dissolved from the skin. The bond from superglue is increased by water, rendering it almost impossible to break as well as watertight.



So which adhesive works best for construction, metal, synthetic resins and electrical materials? Epoxy is the most effective glue to use for these. It is extremely resistant to both chemicals and extremes of temperature, which makes it one the most robust adhesives available, although this comes with a price tag.

A roof sealant is waterproof, so ideal for small cracks. A good roof sealant will protect your home.


Back in 2006, a surprising discovery was made – can you imagine anything stronger than superglue? Scientists found that a type of bacteria had such powerful adhesive properties that it was about three times stronger than superglue.

This bacteria, Caulobacter crescentus, was unearthed by researchers at Indiana University. It can be detected on the interior of water pipes and can endure a force previously unheard of five tons per square inch. This harmless bacteria not only has the ability to resist water but can function in it. Following this discovery, scientists predict its use in the world of medicine in both dental procedures as well as joint compounds and for surgical staples and stitches.